As one of the worlds largest alternative asset manager, we are
uniquely positioned to make a
positive impact through our investment and to strengthen them.

Sustainable Finance


Capitalsave Investment Partners strives to be a leader in sustainable finance products, which support adaptation to global climate change challenges. ESG in investment solutions, we believe unmanaged ESG risk can diminish the value of our clients’ assets.

Therefore, we embed ESG issues into our investment and management processes, making responsible investment standards with every Capitalsave Investment Partners (CsIP) investment.Our team of responsible investment professionals work with investment managers and analysts across all asset classes to help identify material risks and issues in the companies and sectors that we invest, for example the impact of wider themes such as climate change.

To help tailor our approach to each fund, the Responsible Investment Team conducts quarterly ESG reviews with fund managers to discuss the most relevant and material ESG risks and opportunities. In addition to this formal process, the Responsible Investment Team is in constant contact with the investment teams and this helps to ensure that ESG risks and opportunities are continuously being embedded into investment decision making.

Beyond ESG integration we offer a range of both pooled and segregated solutions to address varying levels of ESG appetite of our clients, including our ethical and sustainable funds.


A Purpose-driven Investment Approach

Capitalsave Investment Partners believes that material environmental, social and governance (ESG) characteristics are an important driver of long-term investment returns from both an opportunity and a risk mitigation perspective. We also understand that for many of our clients the impact of their portfolio is an important consideration in conjunction with investment performance.

We consider the integration of ESG factors into the firm’s strategic plans to be consistent with our mission statement and overall investment culture. From our first application of “avoidance screens” to the launch of our Sustainable Equity Investment, Capitalsave Investment Partners has been at the forefront of advancing the integration of ESG characteristics into investment processes.

Today, we continue to build upon this legacy, driven by our belief that ESG factors, like any other factor, should be incorporated in a manner consistent with the specific asset class and style of each investment strategy. Capitalsave Investment Partners collaborates closely with our clients and industry peers to build awareness and encourage broader disclosure.

Across our investment platform, Capitalsave Investment Partners looks for opportunities to engage on ESG issues and trends, and to support clients to increase the impact of their investments.

We measure our success through sustained improvement in our ESG expertise.ESG investing can be employed in a variety of ways to help generate enhanced returns as well as to implement non-financial objectives within a portfolio. We believe our approach not only benefits our clients, but can also support better-functioning capital markets and generate positive impacts for the world as a whole.

At Capitalsave Investment Partners, we would consider any security within a given universe if we feel it offers compelling long-term risk-adjusted returns. Capitalsave Investment Partners long-term, fundamental research process has always demanded that analysts strive to consider all material risks that could influence a security or market’s valuation, including those factors rooted in environmental, social, and governance concerns. “Implemented in a systematic and consistent manner, ESG incorporation can be effectively integrated into a value investment philosophy.” Terrence K. Johnson.

The willingness of value investors to take a position in a broad range of companies and industries – including those that typically score very poorly with regards to certain ESG characteristics – has been taken by some to mean that a value investment philosophy is incompatible with the incorporation of ESG factors.

This needn’t be the case as demonstrated by Capitalsave Investment Partners integrated approach to incorporation in our equity and fixed income strategies.

In particular, Capitalsave Investment Partners recognizes that climate change must be considered as a risk to the long-term future of economies and individual business, and addresses these concerns through its bottom-up analysis. Analysts adopting a holistic approach, rather than ESG specialists operating in silos, create greater efficiency and context, focusing on the most material issues for a company. Capitalsave Investment Partners has always believed it is the responsibility of all investment professionals to understand and incorporate the impact of environmental, social and governance factors on our present and potential investments, and their sustainable profitability. Capitalsave Investment Partners ESG Steering Committee, which is comprised of senior representatives from each of the investment and client service teams, sets and reviews firm-wide objectives and initiatives to ensure that our resources and investment staff are capable of meeting ongoing developments associated with ESG related issues.

In advocating for an integrated approach, we argue that all material factors that could influence a company’s valuation – as determined by its future cash generation and shareholder returns – should be rigorously analyzed and incorporated as part of an in-depth research process.

Considerations stemming from environmental, social, and governance concerns must, where material, be included in this process. Taken not in aggregate but as individual concerns, they can be understood in the context of the company’s specific financial and operational situation.

The result of this risk-based approach is that, much like any other strategic, financial or regulatory risk incorporated into an equity valuation, the presence of material ESG-based risks need not preclude investment, provided that they are adequately discounted in the market price.

Across all of Capitalsave Investment Partners equity investment products, the research process is driven by extensive, bottom-up fundamental company analysis which includes a comprehensive program of meeting with representatives from current and prospective holdings. We believe that the value of any equity security is equal to the present value of its future cash flows to the investor, which are primarily dividends.

The principal focus of our investment professionals is constructing long-term forecasts for these cash flows utilizing our dividend discount methodology.

To make the integration of these factors in the equity valuation process more transparent, Capitalsave Investment Partners utilizes a proprietary ESG Summary Report to document the research and analysis carried out on ESG factors, including the quantitative impacts in our valuation models.

The ESG Summary Report explicitly documents the influence of ESG risks and opportunities on our valuation assessments and is completed for all current and prospective equity holdings.

By systematically considering both a set of core values as well as company-specific concerns, we aim

to capture and quantify material factors that could impact the base, best and worst -case scenario risk analysis over the short, medium and long term. Documenting these factors helps Capitalsave Investment Partners quantify the impact of ESG risks on a company’s valuation and sustainability.

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